All of these publications are available for purchase at the museum

“Turlock Historical Record”
The Turlock Historical Society publishes this newsletter 4 times each year. It updates our members about upcoming events, new members, contributions and short articles. The current issue is available in our Museum.
It is mailed to our members

“Turlock Pioneer”
The Pioneer is published once each year and sent to our members. The Pioneer contains in-depth articles about specific families, groups or locations.
Cost $5.00

“Images of America” Turlock, CA
This is a pictorial history of Turlock from about 1850 to 1950. The book was authored by Kristen Santos and her mother, Phyllis Soderstrom and Thea Harris and her daughter Monica Harris. All four are charter members of the historical society.
Cost $15.00

“Turlock, California A Pictorial History, 1950-2005”
This is the second pictorial history by Kristen Santos, Phyllis Soderstrom, Thea Harris and Monica Harris. It continues some of the same themes of the first book and chronicles the last half of the 20th century. The book was completed in time for the centennial of incorporation in 2008.
Cost $10.00

Museum Note Cards – 6 pack
This note card is an original drawing by the late Ivan Lowe, (one of our former Board members) of the front of the Museum building at 108 S. Center
Street. Cost 6 pack for $5.00

“Streams in a Thirsty Land”
“Streams in a Thirsty Land”, a narrative history of Turlock was originally printed in 1971 for the Centennial celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Turlock. The primary author of the book was Helen Hohenthal. Helen came to Turlock because her father was transferred here by the Santa Fe railroad. Her mother had died so it was her responsibility to run the household and help raise her brothers. She attended Turlock High School, went to U.C. Berkeley and returned to Turlock to teach. She loved history and continually interviewed people and recorded their stories.
This reprinting of the book is a joint project of the Centennial Committee, Friends of the Library and the Turlock Historical Society and was completed for the Centennial celebration of the 100th anniversary of incorporation of the City of Turlock. The reprinted book contains 2 chapters Hohenthal wrote that were omitted in the 1971 printing. While current research has discovered small errors or omissions in the book, it is still our primary source for research of the area and its settlers.
Cost $20.00